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Cannot send emails from Outlook

Level 2

I'm getting this message when I try to send an email from Outlook


Task ' - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC78) : 'Cannot send the message. Verify the email address in your account properties.  The server responded: 535 5.7.8 [TPG-A02] Authentication denied. User is banned from using SMTP AUTH due to previous abuse'


I am overseas - can Tech Support help?

Not applicable

Hi @almanac,


Try re-entering  your TPG password to the E-mail client. If it did not work, try to check this article that you may find helpful.

How to enable SMTP Authentication.

Let us know how it will go. 




I'm getting this message when I try to send an email from Outlook


Task ' - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC78) : 'Cannot send the message. Verify the email address in your account properties.  The server responded: 535 5.7.8 [TPG-A02] Authentication denied. User is banned from using SMTP AUTH due to previous abuse'


I am overseas - can Tech Support help?


Hi @almanac . You say you're overseas. Have you been able to send emails from overseas and it just stopped, or have you not been able to send any emails?

The TPG mail server rejects connections from overseas ip addresses. If you use a VPN which terminates in Australia, Outlook should work. Otherwise, use Post Office with your browser.

Level 2

Hi David


Overseas from mid May. Initially emails from Outlook worked. Then they stopped. Probably because I am moving from Hostel to Hostel and using their wifi.


I read about the TPG mail server rejecting (sometimes) overseas ip addresses.


But I also read that TPG could do a reset as the mail server rejection was just a precaution.

One of the earlier posts suggested changing the password and waiting 15-30 minutes. Have not tried this yet as I'm in transit to another country.


Let us know how it goes once you've changed your account password @almanac.


Have a good day.


Level 2

Apologies for late reply.

I tried the password change a few times.


Occasionally it worked for maybe one email and then emails from Outlook stopped sending again.


Also, occasionally when I went to a new place overseas the emails would work brieflt then stop.

I decided to just wait until I was back in Australia to see if problem resolved.

Unfortunately the problem remains even after I changed my password upon return.

So I am back at square one seeking help!

Regards Allan


Hi @almanac


We'd like to check this issue with our Post Masters.

Shoot me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number along with the email address and error message you received.

