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Frequent disconnections in evenings

Level 2
I have been having lots of frequent disconnections from my home wireless network service between 8pm to 11pm daily. Rebooting router doesn't help at all.

Even if it is connected, the download speed never goes more than 5 mbps.

Hi @cysharon27, is this impacting both wired and wifi connection? How's the connection outside these hours? 


 If you only have wifi devices, try testing the speed while you're standing next to the modem to rule out any WiFi signal issues.


If the signal strength on the modem is low, move your it to another location. 


You can send us a private message with your details so we can take a closer look at your connection. 




Level 2
I am using both wifi and wired devices, when disconnection happened, it affects all. I can even see the status says disconnected from internet on my modem webpage. It tends to reconnect after a minute or two, but this kept disconnect every few mins or so. Has no issue during the day.

Hi @cysharon27 . What type of NBN connection do you have?

And what model wifi router?

Can you check the router's System Log? When the status page says disconnected, what messages appear in the log? Any messages relating to "PPP" which could indicate connection problem?

Any change to the lights on router or NBN box?


@cysharon27 Changes on modem light indicators would be helpful. You can send us a private message with your account details so we can look into your connection and investigate.




Level 2
I am using home wireless broadband and the wireless modem TPG provided to us. I checked in system log there isn't any error relating PPP.

In terms of the model lights, I notice its 4G light is either never on or in red colour. Not sure if this is relevant.


@cysharon27 . The 4G light indicates signal strength. Red means you are connected but with weak signal. Light off means there is no connection. 

Is it the case that when you have connection the light is red?

When you lose connection the light is off? 

The disconnections happen mainly 8pm to 11pm as you said?

Have you tried moving the modem to different location, to see if the 4G light can get to orange or green?