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High Latency from Perth to SEA server - COD and Dota 2

Level 2

Hello @Anonymous , I have sent you a PM with my contact details.

Not applicable

Thank you. We have advised our Technical Team to contact you between 5:30PM-6PM NSW time today.

Level 2

Was told issue would be fixed on 19/07/2020. 


No real surprise that the issue still persists.

Not applicable

Thanks for getting back to us, @nelsv11.


We're sad to know that you're still having issues with the service. I will chase this with our Engineering Team and request urgent feedback.


We apologise for any inconvenience.





Was told issue would be fixed on 19/07/2020. 


No real surprise that the issue still persists.

Not applicable

Hi @nelsv11,


Expect our Engineers to contact you again via SMS or Phone call related to this issue. We apologise for any inconvenience.


Let us know should you require further assistance.



Level 2

Hello @Anonymous 


While I appreciate the reply and efforts, I fail to see how contacting me will help in resolving the issue as I have already been told that your engineers and technicians know what the issue is, which is the undersea cable being damaged. It was due to be completely fixed on the 19/07/2020 as stated over the phone by your technician / engineer. However this was not the case and the issue persists. I would suggest that instead of contacting me and getting unimportant information from me, they should call and contact whoever is involved with fixing the cable and question them about the progress.



Level 3

Could it be fixed? I'm getting good pings again to Singapore, although I'm cognisant that I had good pings a few weeks ago and then it reverted to poor pings.


Hi hooch. You should do a tracert to those Singapore servers so you can use it as a reference for next time. 

Note the path taken and times at each hop.


Level 2



After several calls with TPG (about one or 2 each day), They've told me that the issue regarding the undersea cable has been resolved. My Ping to SEA has also improved significantly. Hopefully this will remain for a long time.

Not applicable

Hi @nelsv11,


We're glad to know that the in game latency has improved. In case you'll have queries in the future do not hesitate to create a new thread in our community.







After several calls with TPG (about one or 2 each day), They've told me that the issue regarding the undersea cable has been resolved. My Ping to SEA has also improved significantly. Hopefully this will remain for a long time.