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TPG dragging feet on cancellation and still taking money

Level 3

Take this as a complaint. I've deliberately made this public because it seems privately nothing gets done.


I have tried multiple times to cancel my TPG 5G Broadband because I DON'T GET 5G. Fair enough the engineers tried to fix the issue of TPG advertising a product when they lack the network to supply it, by replacing my modem. After that didn't work, I rang to cancel to be told a bunch of times that they will try other things. Eventually an engineer agreed with the notes on the account that if the problem persists there is nothing that can be done, so I should cancel. 


TPG then for some reason doesn't let you cancel on the phone dispite insisting that i have to ring to change my plan and can't do it by email...but to cancel I have to email


I do that immediately after the call, stating my email, phone, dob and address and my desire to cancel. The next morning I ask for confirmation and am told that there is no record. Obviously this is nonsense, I have the email headers to prove it. I'm told this will be looked into, in the meantime I am charged for a full month of a service you know you cannot supply (my current download is 12mb/s).


This morning I have still recieved no comfirmation of my cancellation request, no indication of a refund of the funds taken, and no idea when the service will stop. I refuse to believe that it takes 24 hours to process an email to start the cancellation process. 


I've spent close to 3 months trying to troubleshoot this issue. I honestly would have come back to TPG 5G when the network had improved, but this ordeal has soured my view of this company massively. 


@michaelmallett We're keen to get this matter sorted. One of our accounts specialists will be contacting you today to discuss your cancellation and refund request. 

Level 3

I had a call, I was promised an email to confirm that my cancellation would be processed by the end of the current billing cycle 18th September. I expected a refund of the $65 that has come out of my account for the next month.


I instead recieved an email telling me I will be charged til the next billing period in October. So TPG are going to continue to charge me for a service they, by their own admission, cannot provide. Twice today I have had to restart the modem as internet is so slow it's unusable. I'm having to work from my 4g phone connection.


@michaelmallett We understand that the account specialists has called you again and confirmed that refund is now in progress.

Level 3

Yes someone called me and made the same promise I was made previously, but again I have not had written confirmation despite asking for it. And not only that, my service was cut off on the 16th, 2 days before the end of my billing period. Shambles.


Send me written confirmation of the cancellation completing tomorrow 18th September please.


Level 2

Same here! 

I have been trying to cancel my NBN service with TPG for several months now and all cancellation requests submitted online via and within my online TPG account have fallen on deaf hears. I have cancelled previous credit card payment method and now looking to bank to charge back the funds you have taken for service i did not want or need.
I have 3 email receipts from each time i have tried to cancel this service and no action has been taken, so i know the requests were received, just never actioned at any time. I have attempted to contact TPG many times, and even via phone where i was assured my enquiry was being handled. Nothing to date has been actioned and TPG still attempts to take money for a service i no longer need or want.

Hi @wizardpatch


We've responded to your post here.


We'll be waiting for your account details to be sent via PM for us to check this further.



Level 2

Still no joy for me cancelling my account either though my bank has paid me all the money back TPG took since 30 days after i lodged the first cancellation notice as I lodged a chargeback complaint. I suggest anyone who has issues just cancel your credit card so TPG cannot take anymore funds from it as obviously they are not really wanting to cancel your account they just want to keep billing you or TPG has some really huge internal issues right now that we may read about in the news soon possibly.... As a matter pof principle I am now taking the matter to fair trading and TIO even though i got my money back i still want the account cancelled, meanwhile internet still connected LOL what a joke.


We responded to your initial post located here. We will wait for your response. 




Still no joy for me cancelling my account either though my bank has paid me all the money back TPG took since 30 days after i lodged the first cancellation notice as I lodged a chargeback complaint. I suggest anyone who has issues just cancel your credit card so TPG cannot take anymore funds from it as obviously they are not really wanting to cancel your account they just want to keep billing you or TPG has some really huge internal issues right now that we may read about in the news soon possibly.... As a matter pof principle I am now taking the matter to fair trading and TIO even though i got my money back i still want the account cancelled, meanwhile internet still connected LOL what a joke.



Level 2
I am having the same experience with TPG.

Contacted them multiple times via phone asking them to cancel my 5g home but no luck no actions from tpg.