VX220-gv2 Wifi Drop

Level 2

Hi I am experiencing the same problem, do you have any update?


Hi @kenmax


Please PM us with your TPG account details so we can check what's causing the dropouts on your service. 




Level 3
Try changing the wifi channel from auto to one of the fixed number channels.
Level 2

I have the same issue.

I thought the Archer was bad - and didn't last long till it died (relatively for router/modem).  HAd to re-sign so I could replace it.


Received the VX22-G2v.

Nothing but issues connecting most devices and staying connected (WiFi).

SYMPTOMS: - varies by device  


- WiFi & LAN (both have the issue)

- Cannot connect (Cannot obtain IP Address)

- or once connected (obtained IP and Internet access) - drops off and will not reconnect without having to reboot the deveices several times (varies).


- Disabling DDOS (or setting to Low)

- Reserving IP Addresses

- Disabled Band Steering (both 2.4GHz and 5GHz - still have the issue - 2.4 cant even connect at all)

Doing my head in as most of my devices just wont connect or stay connected.

Eitehr a really crappy modem (like the Archer) or TPG Firmware doesn't play well with the VX220 hardware.  Never had so many issues with any NBN router as I've had with the Archer and now the TPLink modems (which is why I suspect TPG firmware).



Level 2
I too am experiencing the exact issue as described with the 5Ghz Wifi. Only just received this modem a few weeks ago (never had such problems with the previous VR1600 modem).

The symptoms are exactly the same. Sometimes, it remains connected but displays the no internet error. Connecting to the 2.4 Ghz Wifi works. And forcing a save to the 5Ghz network settings also fixes the issue.

This seems hardware/firmware related as multiple different people have reported the same issue. Is this a known issue and is there a fix for this?

Hi @tl52z 


If it's an issue with the WiFi, then check the articles that we've created that will help improve your home WiFi network.


Let us know how it goes.



Level 3
I’ve disabled band steering and changed the 5ghz wifi channel from auto to one of the fixed number channels.
Level 3
I’m still experiencing the issue. I just go into the modem every few days, make a change to the 5ghz wifi settings (transmit power level), save and revert the changes. It must be firmware related as a number of people are experiencing the problem. Ideally I’d like a new modem.
Level 3
I’m still experiencing the issue. I just go into the modem every few days, make a change to the 5ghz wifi settings (transmit power level), save and revert the changes. It must be firmware related as a number of people are experiencing the problem. Ideally I’d like a new modem.

@adamjoliver Send us a PM with your account details and let's check your options.