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email not sending can recieve them Using Outlook

Level 2

Hello I can not send emails from outlook. It seemed to start when I went to wireless. I have not changed any thing.I do recieve email. Can you help. Thank you.


Hi @langur12 . When you try to send, do you get an error message?

Does the email sit in the Outbox?

When you changed to 5G, did you get a new username or email address?

Can you still send using Post Office? Are your old emails still there?

In Outlook, are you using same credentials for send and receive?

Level 2

Hello yes they stay in out box. Yes I did get a new user name. Yes I can still send from post office and my old emails are still there. Yes I have not changed any thing from before. No new credentails.


@langur12 . If there is no error message when you try to send, you can activate the logging function in Outlook. The SMTP log file might indicate a problem. There are Microsoft articles on logging.

Or, send email to detailing your problem.

Level 2

There is a send/recieve error of [0x80042109]


@langur12 . If your outgoing settings are port 25 and no security, change to port 26 and no security.

If no good, change to port 587 and STARTTLS security, if you have that option.

Or, port 465 and SSL/TLS security.


Level 2

Can you walk me through it as I am not a Tech person. Sorry for the hassle.


@langur12 . Here are instructions for Outlook 2016. Other versions will be similar.

In step 1, you will edit your existing account, not add one.

Go to step 4. This is where you make the changes I said previously. Only port and encryption method will be changed. Try each combination in turn.

Click Next, then Connect. If it connects, there should be a page saying Done.

Or, if no connect, click Go back and try the next combination.