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I'll be switching from ADSL2 to FTTN NBN. I have a DM200 modem that is compaitble with FTTN NBN. I want to keep it in bridge mode and use my Linksys WRT1900 router in front of it. This configuration currently works with ADSL2 just fine. When I switch to the NBN, I'll need to change the modem to VDSL, with Vlan ID 2, does this work in Bridge mode with the WRT1900 router in PPPoE mode, with my TPG credentials? There is no way to select Vlan ID 2 on the router so I'm assuming the DM200 modem will handle this? Please advise as I wish to avoid double NAT issues and kjust keep the modem as a Bridge.
Hi @Old_Man_Wombo,
Welcome to the community!
To establish a connection using a 3rd party modem/router you need to use VLAN ID 2 together with given TPG Username and password. We do not have information on how to bridge netgear using a 3rd party router, but here are some existing threads that you may find helpful on how to bridge our supplied modem/route on TPG-NBN connection.
Please see the links below.
Let me know how it will go and should you rqeuire further assistance.
I'll be switching from ADSL2 to FTTN NBN. I have a DM200 modem that is compaitble with FTTN NBN. I want to keep it in bridge mode and use my Linksys WRT1900 router in front of it. This configuration currently works with ADSL2 just fine. When I switch to the NBN, I'll need to change the modem to VDSL, with Vlan ID 2, does this work in Bridge mode with the WRT1900 router in PPPoE mode, with my TPG credentials? There is no way to select Vlan ID 2 on the router so I'm assuming the DM200 modem will handle this? Please advise as I wish to avoid double NAT issues and kjust keep the modem as a Bridge.
Hi @Old_Man_Wombo . Your description sounds correct, especially since it works on ADSL.
The article below shows how to put the TPG-supplied VR1600 into bridge mode, coresponding to your DM200. The main part is to set VDSL and VLAN ID=2. From their description, the PPPoE settings are made in the second router (your Linksys).