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TPG NBN Port Forwaring issue after moving house

Level 7

Afaik, David is a Community member who spends a great deal of his time helping people. He is not a TPG employee.

Kate is a moderator, who is afaik a TPG employee.

Level 2

Ok..Thanks..while I do appreciate the help..I thought I have explained the issue reasonbly simply..The actual phone support was not good and hence I am trying this avenue to see who I should can contact to make progress on this..the phone 1st and 2nd level support were inadequate I do not think that they even understood some of the terminology (in my opinion) if you get nowhere using the phone support then we thought we'd try here before maybe making other arrangements.

Have been trying to get this back operational for almost 2 sorry if we are getting a bit frustrated.


@srwaldo . The moderator has access to TPG technical support. You can send her a Private Message outlining your situation.

Internet works. VOIP phone works.

When Archer is disonnected from wall socket, the local network comes up properly. 

When Archer is connected to wall socket, the NAS detects a second router. Or, a second DHCP server providing another ip address.

The question is does the FTTB hardware in comms room interact with the NAS?
None of the other devices have a problem with getting an ip address. 

Does the NAS accept one of the ip addresses or does it reject both?

Level 2

There is not a problem with the LAN or NAS with the Archer connected except that Openvpn will not work.

As far as the NAS is concerned it is detecting a second  "router" could be a modem of some sort  and if there is such equipment upstream from the archer it is expecting it to be in brided mode or possibly have the Port Forwarding statement configured into it.. which Im guessing is not probably possible... this is my hypothesis anyway for what its worth.

Like I said earlier..I have 3 other Synology NAS's at different locations using different Telco NBN services..and TPG is the only one that we cannot get to work using  Openvpn Connect to remotely attach..

All other functions are working as stated earlier with the router and NAS.


@srwaldo . If you are wanting to prove that port forwarding is working, try this.

Set up a forwarding rule that points to your laptop. Select an unused port number that is not being used in any other rule, maybe port 8080. Your laptop probably doesn't have port 8080 open.

Using the browser on your mobile phone on mobile data, enter into the address bar:


Press enter. You should get an immediate reply like: can't be reached, refused to connect.


NAS Log Centre: Looks like it would have detailed info. There ought to be more details than just stating there is a second router.


With your Openvpn client, how do you manage the occasional change of your wan ip address?

Does the client use an ip address or can it handle hostnames managed by DDNS?


The other thing to try is factory reset on Archer. Make note of all your settings: address reservations, forwarding rules, connection type PPPoE, username and password on the ppoe_ptm_2_0_d interface.


The NBN is sent to your building via fibre to equipment in the comms room. The copper pair from each apartment goes to a frame in comms room and previously would have been connected to another pair going to the exchange (carrying ADSL and landline phone). Now, the pair from your apartment is connected to a (single port or multi-port) card that does the interface between copper and fibre.


Level 2

Synology has a DDNS service that is configured with a Hostname and IP address for the external ip add.

I will look at factory resetting the Archer.

Not sure when I can go to the site if the owner cannot do these things.

I can connect to the NAS using its quickconnect id via http as I can still do but this method does not allow me to see the local LAN as the Openvpn Connect does.

I appeciate that you have helped out here..would be nice if we got some input from TPG support.. Smiley Happy

Level 2

Could this NBN service be using CGNAT? And if so could this be possibly creating an issue?


@srwaldo . CGNAT is not being used otherwise the quickconnect function would not work. There must be rules for port 80 and 443 (or alternate values) for http and https.

NAS must be getting an ip address that matches the MAC address reservation and the address in the forwarding rule.

Can you ping the NAS from your laptop?

Can you check in the router NAT Forwarding, UPnP. Is it enabled and are there any rules set up by NAS?

Can the Openvpn client use the DDNS hostname or does it need an ip address?

Level 2

Thanks David. Just saw a few hits on google re CGNAT and Synology..

In the meantime before being able to go to where the router is to factory reset..

The NAS can be ping'd locally from the Laptop on the same LAN.

Tried disabling Fw etc on the NAS.

Accounted for all devices on the local LAN so there is no other router on the LAN side.

It appears that the ability to back up the config on the Archer has been taken away (greyed out).

But anyway guess I will have to make time to go to my friends and factory reset his router.

I am pretty confident that the fault does not lie with the NAS. But if it urns out so I am prepared to eat humble pie.

Maybe the TPG Client should of been advised to do a fatory reset when the service moved to his new address and guided through it instead of being told to bring across his router from his old address and to just plug in and power it on..


@srwaldo . The router may have become confused with the changed connection method and changes to the forwarding rules.

Any UPnP rules being set up by NAS?