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An open letter to all TPG users about email migration to The Messaging Company

Level 3



I know this will be long, but please take a few minutes to read it. I think it is really important.


If like myself you have been a long-time user of TPG (or any of its related companies such as iiNet), chances are that you may have an Email only account with them.


In my scenario this was force upon me due to the changing policies of TPG over the years, whereby they would not allow you to move and keep the same account name. The only alternative was to accept a new account name and create an Email alias of your old account name under your new account. This was a decent alternative and it meant you could keep your original Email address.


Back in older times, this became slightly messy when almost everything was tied to a phone number.

The only way to have an active service was to provide the new phone number at the time you were arranging the move. If you couldn’t, and you wanted/needed to keep the Email address, the only alternative was to change your then current account into an Email only account. From memory, this cost about $30 a year, which was worth it, so you just did it. My personal situation where this occurred was during an interstate move, where it was going to take a week to sort out the new phone number, even though this was being done through a tpg adsl+phone bundle, where previous and new services were going to be identical.


Once the new account was setup, the Email only account with an Alias worked well.

You’ve already paid for it, and it was working, so you left it alone and continued to use it.

You may have thought about attempting to move the alias Email onto your current account, although you just knew something would go pear-shaped and you ran a very real and high risk of loosing your “golden” Email address forever, so you left it.


Unbeknown to myself and I’m sure most other people, TPG stopped allowing new Email account creation on 6-June-2023. It seems this also included new TPG customers who were not provisioned with Email as part of their service. I am pretty sure this date was quite a bit prior to any notifications to their existing customer base. It seems that around the same time creation or changes to Email Aliasing was also enacted. In short, this has been in the pipe for quite a while before it became known and it seems that the notifications are being sent out staggered depending upon the service you have with them. They also removed their own staffs access to tools to help people move or change things associated with many Email related things before sending any information to their customers.


In brief, I have been a TPG customer for over 15 years.

I have always had an internet with home phone and two mobile phones with TPG.

Since first joining TPG, I have always used the same Email address for any and all Emails.

Over the years, you loose track of how many services you have tied to that Email address.

You also don’t always realise how invasive and important that Email address is, because it just sort of happens over a long period.


In my scenario, this now covers this such as, Banking, Health/Medical, Superannuation, Legal, Product Registration for things like warranty, Password recovery, subscription services, and a myriad of other things. Almost my entire life.


At first thought people may not realise how important this is.

While I don’t use a lot of these things personally, giving it a bit of though it could include things such as your Apple iTunes account, pay TV service, Streaming TV service such as Netflix or whatever, Anti-Virus subscription, VPN service, friends you only catch up with via Email once or twice a year, the list goes on.


So, while TPG are starting with killing off Email only accounts and providing a “free” migration to another provider, your first thought may be to just do it.

However, there are a few things to carefully consider before you do this.


To start with, you need to consider the on-going costs.

If you read the information on TPG’s Customer Support Site, that was not included in the Email you got.


You will see that TPG have said they will pay for this service until 15 September 2024, if you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Email Transfer that are on the same page.

Ok, let’s read them before we click on anything else.

Condition 2 is that you need to agree with the terms and conditions of The Messaging Company – more on this later


Condition 4 is that you will be responsible for paying The Messaging Company after 15 September 2024 and that The Messaging Company will contact you with available pricing options at least 60 days prior to commencing charges – more on this later


Condition 6 is the first potential clanger. TPG may withdraw the right to remove this Email Address when or if you cease acquiring services from TPG.

This means that you MUST have a service with TPG that THEY consider to be related. A potential pitfall here is that TPG may once again decide that a new service is not actually related, so if you must always find a way to have a “related” service.


Condition 11 if the real clanger, and where TPG themselves are suggesting that you exercise care and diligence.

This is actually heavily tied to Condition 2, agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of The Messaging Company.


Let’s look at the easy one first, Condition 4 – paying The Messaging Company after 15 September 2024

The Messaging Company does not provide any details whatsoever as to what their current charges are.

It is impossible to find out what they are charging now, so you have absolutely no idea what they may or may not charge in September 2024.

It could be about $30 a year, or it could be $300. They can try to charge whatever they feel like or think they can get away with.

If they decided to make it $300 a year and you are prepared to pay that, you also need to remember this will only live while you have a related TPG service.

Remember Condition 6 … TPG could revoke your right this Email address and you have now paid for a service that The Messaging Company can’t provide <groan>


Now let’s look at the biggest red-flag of them all.

Condition 2, agreeing to The Messaging Company’s terms and conditions, which means agreeing to their privacy notice.


Allow me to preface this by clearly stating that, “I Am Not A Lawyer”


In my opinion, if you read this notice, and digest it, The Messaging Company basically tell you that you will not have any privacy with them.

They telegraph the fact that they will collect as much information about you as they possibly can.

They will grab whatever information as they can about you using any and all means possible – read conditions 2 and 3 carefully.


They are quite happy for you to link any third-party Email or File Service accounts to this Email account (such as Gmail, Microsoft, Dropbox, anything), because if you do, you are going them permission to read any and all of these Emails or scour the files.

So, even the simple act of linking any password recovery to this, you have just given them permission and they can legally go on their hunting expedition.


Condition 4 is the real killer. They tell you that they will disclose any and all of your personal data to anyone they can sell it to.


Condition 5 is another killer. They tell you that their servers are located in countries other than Australia and that includes the USA, EU, and Singapore.

This means that all of your Emails (yes the body text of your Emails) and Personal data can and probably will be scraped by the NSA in the US, and any of the 14-Eyes countries within the EU and UK and Singapore.


In brief, you have given The Messaging Company permission to not only read any and all Emails you send through their service, but potentially any and all Emails sent through something such as Gmail, snoop on what you watch on TV that night, work out how much you earn, where you spend your money and how, and then sell it to others, while they also allow foreign governments free access to the same information.


Another interesting thing about The Messaging Company is that they don’t have a phone number.

There will never be a human person you can talk to about anything.


We have until September 15, so there is time to find a safe, secure and private Email service and start the painful migration task.

After getting this out, my next task is to find an Email provider that actually has a privacy policy, does not read my Emails and actively harvest information about me to sell to others, while having their servers in a “data safe” country, while being affordable.



Level 4

Wow. That's a lot to digest.

Thank you for a most well researched bit of information.

A lot of this boils down to who owns TMC. It could be TPG managers/directors or it could simply be a subsidiary of Atmail. In the latter case things may not be quite as perilous as the former where it will be milked for every dollar the owners can get.

I'll check the company registration to see if we're any wiser.

I can't remember when I first started as a TPG customer, but it when ADSL2+ was first available and Telstra didn't offer it (we were with Telstra). Certainly 15+ years. I have some 60-odd accounts with various vendors etc where I've used my TPG email as my primary identity.

Every time I've even thought of considering another RSV, I reminded myself of the monumental hassle of changing the account information on all those accounts and stayed with TPG.

But all the points you've  made are relevant. If I bail from TPG before September 2024, there is a real danger that I could lose my email account, whether it's hosted by TMC or not. After that, if we're having to pay TMC, I suspect consumer laws would safeguard our accounts regardless of whether we were TPG customers or not, as long as we paid TPG. Then again, that isn't guaranteed either at this point.

It looks like the best bet is to migrate, grit our teeth, use the 12 months to port our on-line accounts to a new email address and then give TPG the flick. 


What a pain though. TPG is not going to win any friends and I'll give Vodafone the flick as well as soon as my mobile phone contract lapses.


Thanks again.





Level 3
I appreciate the thoughtful advice you both offer.
We have an Outlook email address through Microsoft 365 account, but MS customer support is even more abysmal than TPG's. We could painstakingly advise all those companies and organisations that have our address in our personal details to change over to the address, but as you say there are many of them. And I really don't expect good service from Microsoft - they reserve that for business. So what other ISPs are worth approaching in Australia?
This is like QANTAS all over again...
Level 2

To all TPG Users,

By the way, this is also a farewell to fellow TPG users.

Thanks to brentons152

I sent the following letter to TPG but unsurprisingly received no response.

To The TPG Team

I am making this complaint to TPG and by association IINET not only for myself but also on behalf of the thousands of TPG and IINET customers. I strongly believe most clients will be adversely affected by this commercial decision and held to ransom by the impossibly narrow timeframe in which to make an important decision.

This complaint is in response to an email I received from TPG dated 1 August 2023 at 11.21 am with the heading “Important information about your TPG email address”. This email contained a letter which stated in part, TPG has made the decision to stop providing email services in 2023. This change will help us focus on creating better experiences for our core products: internet and mobile.”.


In the following paragraph, “To keep using your email address, (email address) you’ll need to opt-in to transferring to The Messaging Company by 12/09/2023, otherwise your email address may be suspended.” the letter set out the timeframe for clients to make a very important decision about keeping their TPG email address or finding another provider.


Those who decide to leave TPG or IINET have many problems to solve to achieve this outcome. Some of these are very difficult even for tech savvy clients but in the timeframe imposed, almost impossible for ordinary users. These problems include:

  1. Notifying all contacts, family and friends, of the new email address;
  2. Combing through their business contacts and connections to ensure they are notified;
  3. Changing all passwords that have the email address as the username; and
  4. Changing “Account Settings” for every online account they currently use.


There is confusing detail in the TPG letter.

If you don’t choose to keep your email address:


  • You don’t need to do anything if you’re happy for your email address to be deleted.
  • From 12/09/2023, your (email address) may be suspended, and you will no longer be able to send or receive emails.
  • If you do not choose to move (email address) to The Messaging Company, the following will apply:
  • The email address will be deleted from 30 November 2023 and can no longer be recovered.
  • Any email forwarding to or from (email address) will stop.
  • You won’t be able to access any existing emails for (email address) stored on the mail server.
  • Any messages sent to (email address) will bounce back to the sender as undeliverable.
  • If you use (email address) as the contact email address for your TPG account, please update your contact details to a different email address in My Account.

What about the client’s rights?

  1. We don’t know anything about the company (The Messaging Company) TPG is trying to force us to allow to take on our accounts.
  2. We don’t have any information about the charges that inevitably would apply to the provision of an email service by this company.
  3. By the time all this gets through complaints and appeals processes, thousands of Australian customers will have been blackmailed into transferring to this new company because they are not necessarily tech savvy or able to chart their way through all of this.
  4. TPG & IINET clearly have a right to change their business model but the way it is being done is outrageous and severely disadvantages all clients.


In my opinion, this is a very cynical approach to not lose clients while pulling the rug from under them.


What I request is that a period of six months be given to clients to make the decisions resulting from this sudden change and to organise their accounts accordingly.


Yours Sincerely

Geoffrey Skerritt

2 August 2023

Level 2

Please see clause 7  in  Conditions of Transfer by TPG =


(5) TPG grants you the right to use your current email address, which incorporates one or more domain names owned by TPG (e.g.
(6) TPG may withdraw the right for you to use your current email address when you cease acquiring services from TPG or one of our affiliates.
(7) TPG may also revoke the right in (4) above for other reasons, but we will endeavour to give you at least 60 days’ prior notice before that happens.


In other words there is no guarantee that even if you transfer to The Messaging Company you will have the address for the term of the deal. Which defeats the purpose.


If you look at the corporate details of The Messaging Company, this was registered in Aust verry recently. Meaning that it may have been created with the sole purpose of TPG (and associates) to discharge their responsibility for email hosting in an 'elegant way'....

Level 3

(6) TPG may withdraw the right for you to use your current email address when you cease acquiring services from TPG or one of our affiliates.


This means it is not a complete transfer. TMC is owned by Atmail which has nothing to do with TPG Telecom.


So how can one company determine to actions of another? It's like saying if you have both an optus account and a telsra account and cancel one of them then the other one gets cancelled too.


This is a legal quagmire. Terms and Conditions do not trump the law.


If tpg pull that trigger the bullet may come back at them - in court!

Level 2

Clearly, the obvious answer is for TPG to immediately reverse this unethical decision. Sign the petition now.

Level 3

Very well summarosed position for us all to consider.


Has anyone asked TPG yet how much they are going to deduct off everyone's Internet monthly fees (that include email) now that they have forced us to move elsewhere?

Level 3

Just to be very clear. TPG are still charging for IMAP services on email accounts that no longer exist at TPG. This is an illegal and  disgusting way to treat the loyal customers who have been there for years. If you had an IMAP account you paid a yearly fee for the service. They charged me in Oct/Nov last year and I fought them hard for a refund on one accounmt which they eventually did after I disputed the transaction with my bank. Now they have charged me another years fee on another account.  I demand an immediate refund for a service they no longer provide.  WARNING! Check your own credit cards for charges like this that they are trying to slip through.


Hi @RobH 


Let's check on the status of the account and see what we can arrange.


Just send us a private message with your account details.

